Switzy's Collection


(nick-)Name: Switzy Kelp (SwitzCheez)
Country: United States
Years collecting: Since 2014


When did you started collecting:

Switzy: I started "collecting" in high school by getting any Game Boy I found locally for cheap, but it wasn't until my senior year I decided to get every model Game Boy. It was January of 2014 when I got my first Game Boy light to complete a set of all 7 Game Boy models. From there I moved into getting more consoles and games, about a year and a half later I found myself needing a new room for my stuff.


 How did you got the idea to collect video games/consoles:

Switzy: I spent a lot of my childhood playing ps2 and Game Boy, I picked both back up after years of not using them and got super nostalgic and wanted to relive part of my childhood.

What is your ultimate holy grail in your collection:

Switzy: that's a tough one, I usually say my mint on card Famitsu 500 Game Boy light, but my silver light and Game Boy micro hold a lot of sentimental value.


Consolevariations: the Famitsu 500, Now that is a pretty one and pretty rare as well, why is it your favorite?


Switzy: I saw the Famitsu 500 light as something incredibly rare when I started collecting, I even had someone tell me I could never get one. So when I got it October 2016 I was beyond happy. As for the micro and silver light, I've had those 2 the longest, they're priceless in my eyes as I can't replace those memories of them.

What is your personal favorite item in your collection:

Switzy: it's a tie between my PS2 and PS4.


Consolevariations: Both are stunning consoles, (Lots of variations as well). Do tell us more!


Switzy: I've had the PS2 since launch and it's still one of my most played consoles, as for my ps4, I got it just to play a single game, but it quickly became my most played console, didn't take long for me to track down a limited edition and import it.


Photo Gallery:

Do you have any website/Facebook group/page or something you would like to share?:

Switzy: I have an instagram, @switzcheez2.0 where I share most of my gaming stuff

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Mike H (Sunday, 09 April 2017 01:47)

    Great collection, Switz! It's really been refined over the last 18 months with some stunning additions.

  • #2

    EssayJedi.com review (Wednesday, 28 June 2017 18:44)

    Oh my god. Switzy you are amazing collector and I wonder if your eyes and hands are in perfect condition since you play so much of these games. How many handheld devices you have in collection?