(nick-)Name: (Mattie)Matthijs De Groot Boersma
Country: Netherlands
Years collecting: Collecting since 1997
When did you started collecting:
Mattie: I was always 1 generation behind, when my brother had a NES I was only able to play it sometimes. When he got an SNES I was able to have his NES consoles. and so on! That was the moment I was playing games and starting collecting.
How did you got the idea to collect video games/consoles:
Mattie: When my brother was out the house I sometimes played his SNES without his permission, same goes for the N64. When he got himself an PlayStation 2 I continued with the Game Cube. While collecting Nintendo I also started to get an PlayStation 1 and an Xbox, I only purchased the Xbox for Star Wars Battlefront and the PlayStation I got it mainly for Dragonball games
Consolevariations: That is really cool that you got those consoles just for the games, what happened later after the later consoles where released?
Mattie: When the Wii was released I was a Nintendo fanboy so I put everything that was not from Nintendo in the closet but later I had my interest in buying Atari, on released order (2600, 5200, jaguar etc) Later I collected Sega consoles, then the 'other' consoles. Now it's getting out of hand. meanwhile started to collecting my series/movie merchandise that I watched, my favorite Movies are Star Wars and series are Dragon Ball Z.
What is your ultimate holy grail in your collection:
Mattie: That would be my custom Arcade machine with 195 emulators and 150.000 games! I play this arcade everyday since the day I got it,
Consolevariations: We can totally imagine that! That is one bad-ass machine! how you thought of making one like that when you already had all the consoles and most of it's games?
Mattie: I always wanted to have an arcade machine, around 7 years ago I almost got the original Donkey Kong arcade board and was planning to buy the parts to complete it, but I actually let it go. So later I asked A friend and collegue to make one for me
What is your personal favorite item in your collection:
Mattie: My arcade is also my top favorite, but my 2nd favorite item is my Game Boy Color display board ( on the back it's Pokemon)
Consolevariations: We have not seen this board before! must cost a fortune! How did you get it?
Mattie: Actually I got the board for 10 euro's on Kings-day 2015 it was the best market finds I found! It works like a charm!
Photo Gallery:
Do you have any website/Facebook group/page or something you would like to share?
Mattie: I volunteer at an retro website called every now and then I upload videos on YouTube regarding a specific item (like StarWars James Bond, Mega Man etc) they also have a facebook page!
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