(nick-)Name: Johnny Mac
Country: Australia
Years collecting: from 2016
When did you started collecting:
Johnny: I started collecting after visiting a local game store which has its own retro game museum. It inspired me to start my own collection and since
then I've loved watching it grow.
How did you got the idea to collect video games/consoles:
Johnny: Searching YouTube and seeing other people's great collections and realizing I had
some of this stuff myself
Consolevariations: That is short, but a solid reason! Could you tell us more about your first purchase
Johnny: When I first started collecting I didn't have a lot so I went a bit crazy. My first goal was to collect all 16 different n64 variations complete in box and I still have 3 to go. At the same time I was still adding as many Nintendo games and consoles as I could find but it's hard to find a good deal down in Australia as most things retro wise are pretty expensive.
What is your ultimate holy grail in your collection:
Johnny: My two Nintendo standees one being a Banjo Kazooie and the other being a Majora's mask. I absolutely love them and it's something hardly any collector would have.
Consolevariations: Very good finds! You don`t see those every day! could you tell us your secret in how you get them?
Johnny: I purchased my Two standees from a collector who decided to get out of the collecting business. They are both very rare and would have to be my favorite items I own. The person who I purchased them off did a great job caring for them and as a fellow collector I'll be doing my best to keep them in great condition. An added bonus Banjo Kazooie would have to my all time favorite game so it was an absolute must for me.
What is your personal favorite item in your collection:
Johnny: Probably something very basic, my first ever console I got as a kid which was a Super Nintendo. As a boy I put hours and hours into it playing such games as Mario Kart, Super Mario, Donkey Kong Country and many more.
Photo Gallery:
Do you have any website/Facebook group/page or something you would like to share?:
I have an Instagram page which is @nintendodownunder
Write a comment
Trent (Sunday, 29 October 2017 02:06)
Looks great John how did you get such a big collection so fast? What’s your secret?