a New xbox one X added from Smartoys! from PUBG!

Player Unknown's Battleground. one of the most hyped games of this generation,  Belgium store Smartoys has a announced a post to win a one-of-a-kind Xbox one X system by liking/commenting/sharing their Facebook post and a bunch of other stuff.


We asked some more pictures and we got them! Below is the original post

the system and controller looks awesome! they have their own '3d' theme to it.  we don`t know for sure if you also get the game with it.


The post got a total of  4.1K likes and over 3.5K shares, the winner was announced on Xmas eve


below are some more pictures of the system:

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Kingpablo (Wednesday, 09 January 2019 22:11)

    How can I get theis cool xbox1 x