4 new PlayStation 4 systems added! from Yakuza, Destiny Warriors and Kingdom Hearts!

2 New PS4 Slim systems has been announced from Yakuza: Kiwami 2!

They both comes with the game and their own theme.

They will be released on December 7th, 2017.


We already have them on our PlayStation 4 Slim Variation page!

PlayStation 4 Slim: Yakuza Kiwami 2

Quick Facts:

- Console released in Japan

- Black colored console with a Dragon on it

- Bundled with the game/theme of: Yakuza Kiwami 2

PlayStation 4 Slim: Yakuza Kiwami 2

Quick Facts:

- Console released in Japan

- White colored console with a Dragon on it

- Bundled with the game/theme of: Yakuza Kiwami 2

As an extra post, we have 2 more PS4 Added to the site! We start with another PS4 console that is recently announced and available for pre-order. This is from a remake from Destiny Warriors 8 for PS4! This unit is available on February 8, 2018.

PlayStation 4 Slim: Destiny Warriors 8

Quick Facts:

- Console released in Japan on February 8, 2018
- Black colored console with Destiny Warriors elements

- Bundeld with the game/theme of :

Destiny Warriors 8.

The last one for today is a PS4 Slim console that is already released in Japan online. it is from Kingdom Hearts the 15th anniversary, bundled with the game Kingdom Hearts 2.8! and it even got it's own theme!

PlayStation 4 Slim: Kingdom Hearts 15th Anniversary

Quick Facts:

- Console released in Japan
- Black colored console with Kingdom Hearts elements

- Bundled with the game/Theme of:

Kingdom Hearts 2.8


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