The gold plated Wii from THQ was send to Buckingham Palace / the Queen of England for a marketing stunt to promote their game "Big Family Games". It made the press and had a huge social media impact in the collecting scene and elsewhere.
But what most people didn't never got signed for acceptance at Buckingham Palace and was shortly after sent back to THQ headquarters. As we all know THQ stopped and it ended up in one employees hands. This employee later sold it further to a high end collector.
After this, nothing happened with it for the longest time until last week. One of our staff member was the lucky one to make the deal and now the Queen's gold plated Wii is in Consolevariations
All certificates are included and it even has the glue/markings of that red pillow it was standing on for the display. Since some people may wonder about the whereabouts of the Nunchuck,
unfortunately it was lost somewhere in the massive stock of THQ.
Anyway. What a royal find and what a great story! It seems like the Queen rules, but does reign and also does not play Wii :)
Write a comment
Wii lover (Thursday, 10 May 2018 05:55)
Yo thats straight up fucking bullshit. If I got a gold wii you know id be just nunchucking away in this bitch.
Dragoonbb (Saturday, 26 May 2018 03:27)
Is it heavy? You might be able to kill a man with this wii xD
Brandon (Tuesday, 12 June 2018 11:58)
Such a wholesome ending to the story, for it to end up in the hands of people who love specialty consoles and contribute to the community. I'm happy for you!
Scott (Friday, 20 July 2018 23:54)
So... The gold Wii is now lost?
Scott (Friday, 20 July 2018 23:54)
Golden Wii
5pectrum (Tuesday, 04 September 2018 06:41)
I would love to see it in a museum, but since you are the owner of it i think its up to you
Indie (Friday, 23 November 2018 16:02)
It belongs to a museum!
Argo4970 (Saturday, 26 January 2019 07:03)
I have found the nunchuck, it is in Mississippi, USA. I found the owner and he says he bought it from a eBay auction from Europe in 2014
consolevariations (Saturday, 26 January 2019 10:52)
Please ask if we can contact him :) That would be Great!
levi (Saturday, 26 January 2019 18:23)
anyone here from people make games' video?
xddd (Sunday, 10 March 2019 14:52)
Who else is from that video
Stanoehf (Sunday, 10 March 2019 16:42)
How much is the Wii for sale?