Game Boy Boise Cascade found thanks to Consolevariations!

Matt a collector on our Collector page got one of the Rarest Game Boy Pocket systems found thanks to us!

The seller found him on consolevariaitons and asked him throughout his page if he was interested in buying this Game Boy Pocket that he found in a store.

The seller found the Game Boy Pocket in a Goodwill Store, looked up where it came from, It saw the system on our site and browsed trough the collectors page and saw that someone was collecting Game Boy Pocket Systems (Matt)

some time later, Matt received the Game Boy Pocket

This COULD happen to you as well! Want to be in our collection page? Just send over your pictures of your game room and answer a few questions =)

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Dilaw (Sunday, 03 June 2018 22:54)

    i have one !