Sega Dreamcast Top-Airbrush series

SOON on the consolevariations website, the Dreamcast Top-Airbrush Editions! There were nine models of these with an upper casing commissioned by Sega of Germany by Top-Airbrush’s artist T. Rachu. They were used for showcasing or given away as prizes in contest and there are just 5 made of each. The variations are: Virtua Tennis, Quake III Arena, Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, gold coating with “Simply the best” on it, Resident Evil: CODE: Veronica, Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour, Ferrari F355 Challenge and Chu Chu Rocket! Which one is your favorite?!

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    SaltyStuff (Friday, 28 October 2016 00:40)

    I gotta go with the Jet Set variant. I love the clash of colors and there's something about the look that feels familiar.

    (p.s. found this website just today and it is a gem.)