Due to the implementation of the new consolevariations.com website we cannot add new consoles to the site at the moment. The new site will launch very shortly so stay tuned!
- CV Team
Update 08/01/19: We are almost there! While developing we thought about new features, so we will add these as well before launch! It will take a bit longer than expected but we promise you that the new cv site is mind blowing!
This website aims to database all the console variations in the world of the most impactful companies: Nintendo, Atari, Sega, Sony, Microsoft and even Neo Geo! We have all the console and controller variations ever made.
On your left you see our BLOG page with daily news/updates and consoles we add to the site.
On top you see the buttons that lead to all the console variations we have.
If you see any edition we don`t have, please mention it on our contact page!
Game Boy Advance SP Disney Channel
Quick Facts:
- Console released in North America
- Silver colored console with a Mickey logo in the corner
- Prize giveaway trough Disney Channel